Monday, April 8, 2013

Copyright Alert System

The copyright alert system is a great was to protect copyright infringement online.  I found an article on that  talks about how the system is making waves, and is being used for proof in a lawsuit.  I can see how this will benefit a lot of authors, musicians, and creators in the future.  Good for them... I guess.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

In today's world, advancements in technology spreads over many areas.  Now, robotic technology is incorporated in more aspects of our lives.  Robotics are even being developed for more intricate aspects of human life.  Development in these technologies seems to enhance quality in our lives in regards to safety, leisure, and companionship.

Although convenient, I do don't believe robots will take over.  They only serve as a component for efficiencies.  Robots cannot do what humans do.  They can only do what a human programs them to do.  The article, "Shut your eyes and drive" informs of emerging technologies for automobiles.  It introduces autonomous cars that are equipped with sensors to avoid accidents, and improve safety.  When it comes to robots and humans, humans are more likely to make errors.  Humans fatigue and often make cognitive errors.  Robots can be programmed to operate perfectly.  There is always a chance for malfunctions, but overall they are likely to make less errors.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

This week our class topic was about media.  Social media allows virtual interactions with technology between people.  These interactions can be person to person, person to a community, or even news feeds.  I like interacting with people from time to time.  I am on a number of social sites; facebook, MySpace (which I never use anymore), and twitter.  I prefer to use my facebook account because not only can I catch up with my friend or the latest news, but I also can play my favorite games in my down time. 

Virtual world are also a type of social media.  I recently discovered a virtual world called SecondLife.  Virtual worlds allow person to person interactions.  The difference is they allow a person to create not only a different reality experience, but it gives users the ability to visualize who they are interacting with.  Virtual worlds can be used for more than recreation. The article, "Going to the virtual office in Second Life", explains how companies are more and more beginning to use them.  Companies are utilizing virtual communities more and more for their conferences, trainings, and meetings.  This saves the company  lot of money on travel expenses.  The article also informs that companies are preferring this method over video conferencing.  If I were to create and avatar in a virtual world, I believe my avatar would reflect me.  I'm proud of the person that I am, and wouldn't chose to be anything different.

Monday, February 18, 2013

World Wide Web

In the future I predict that the World Wide Web will incorporate more smart technology into cloud environments to enhance user experience and functionality.  An article written by Gregory Ferenstein, introduces Ray Kurzweil, who is the Google's Director of Engineering.  Ray Kurzweil wants to incorporate artificial intelligence into their search engine.  He explains instead of a semantic method search tool, one incorporated with AI will alleviate unnecessary search queries and cater more to the user. 

Cloud computing today is the forefront of computer programs. It basically consolidates computer programs in an online environment saving resources and money.  In the article "Cloud Computing", written by Brian Hayes he refers to one companies slogan that utilizes a cloud suite as, "No Software!"

Monday, February 11, 2013

Networks and Communication

Even with all the advancements in technology, there will always be pitfalls that come with the territory.  The advancements in networking and communication has help us all consolidate our time and provides accessibility to things not so accessible in the past.  Making our lives so accessible does has its ups and downs.

Privacy is a major issue.  We battle it in legislation, in business affairs, and in our personal lives.  It is important to become aware just how far our privacy protects us.  Networking has benefited us in many ways, but in the form of emails and communications it is beginning to infringe human rights.  Advertisement companies and network administrators have developed was to gather personal information for advancement in there revenues.  This should be stopped.  One way this could be resolved is to allow registration to their services without having to input personal information; making it the choice of the consumer (user) to allow access into their personal lives.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Intro Blog

I'll just get to it!  I'm a transfer student in the Computer Science program here at NEIU!  I have a fair amount of computer knowledge (I work on them all day), but I've never had any formal or extensive training with them.  My concentration is Information Technology, so I'm confident that will change once I earn my degree! Have a great day everyone =)